
A bird's-eye view of The City Hall(1960) (c)FUTAGAWA Yukio
>> Outline of The Kurashiki City Art Museum
The Kurashiki City Art Museum was established in 1983.The building, originally built as The Kurashiki City Hall in 1960, was remodeled as a municipal art museum.
The Museum endeavors to promote a cultural environment of the community, by collecting and exhibiting art works (including works by local artists, such as IKEDA Yoson, an artist of Japanese painting), or by providing the publics with various educational programs.
The Museum is located near the Bikan Historical Quarter, where houses of whitewashed walls and latticed windows along the canal show traditional Japanese beauty to visitors.
The building of the Museum, which is one of the few structures done in true "rough style" with a concrete finish,and the design conjures up images of old "Azekura",a storehouse built of triangular logs.
>> History
Established the Kurashiki City Hall. Designed by TANGE Kenzo.

IKEDA Yoson, the notable artist of Japanese painting,who was related to Kurashiki,donated 489 pieces of his works to the city.

Inaugurated the Committee for remodeling the former City Hall into the Municipal Museum of Art

Remodeling work started. Designed by URABE Shizutaro,a prominent architect born in Kurashiki.

Museum opening
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